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Goodness Mart Jade Square (Pickup)


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Model: 9787539797434
Ex Tax:RM40.00
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Model: 9789869884228
資訊爆炸的時代,要怎麼做,才能夠脫穎而出?  向世上數一數二擅長說故事的男人——傑夫・貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)  學習溝通技巧  ■說故事■簡報、面談、郵件往來  ■撰寫企劃案、新聞稿■內外溝通  ■媒體邀約■PR活動■危機處理  日本亞馬遜公關部前負責人首度完整一次公開!  亞馬遜1994年7月在車庫草創,從不被看好、最早期要靠家人支持購買商品,  到今日成為全球市值最高的網路零售業龍頭,  除了不斷創新的Day 1心態,品牌傳達力也是關鍵一環,  創辦人兼執行長傑夫・貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos),堪稱世間少有的說故事能手。  本書作者小西美沙緒從日本亞馬遜草創時期,便加入公關部擔任..
Ex Tax:RM59.40
CA004 Colte Alsace Pink (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998330
Tape width 20、15mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM42.40
CA005 Colte Alsace Orange (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998323
Tape width 20、15mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM42.40
CA006 Colte Alsace Purple (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998316
Tape width 20、15mmLength 12m2pcs..
Ex Tax:RM42.40
Out Of Stock
Model: 9789869583800
內容簡介針對中式麵點新手最常遇到的160種疑難雜症,搭配158款美味簡單實例操作,以150,000字超詳細完整的文字說明,搭配5,000張定格式的彩色照片圖解,即使是料理新手都能順利完成,是一套知識與實作兼具的中式麵點新手聖經!  由作者Carol本人親身的經驗,讀者來信提問,加上部落格留言,歸納整理中式麵點新手最常遇到的各式疑難雜症,透過詳細的實際步驟說明及問題解答,將20年來日積月累的經驗,絕不藏私、毫不保留完整地分享給所有讀者!讓更多人可以走入傳統食物的製作,並親自體驗中式麵食與點心迷人的風采。全書只利用適合家庭簡單操作的器具及材料,讓你節省時間及體力,就能做出道地美味的傳統米食與麵點,..
Ex Tax:RM62.50
Out Of Stock
Model: 9789869380249
繼《Carol烘焙實驗室:108封來自烘焙讀者的挑戰信》國內第一本全自製Q&A食譜後,Carol再接再厲挑戰如何製作各式各樣不失敗的餅乾、蛋糕與甜點全書。  「自己在剛開始嘗試製作甜點時也曾遇到非常多的困難,往往依照書中做法卻無法順利完成,也沒有任何人可以詢問,完全不知道失敗的問題點在那裡。遇到這樣的情形一方面覺得浪費材料時間,而且也使得心情十分沮喪。這些失望的挫折我都了解,所以更希望將自己的一些經驗累積及心得記錄下來,幫助大家解決製作甜點時遇到的各種狀況,在烘焙的道路上走得更順利。」      由作者Carol本人親身的經驗,讀者來信提問,加上部落格50..
Ex Tax:RM71.90
CK001 Colte Alphabet (3)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999344
Tape width 20mmLength 12m3pcs set ..
Ex Tax:RM58.00
CK003 Colte Rides (3)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999320
Tape width 20mmLength 12m3pcs set ..
Ex Tax:RM58.00
CK004 Colte Animal (3)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999313
Tape width 20mmLength 12m3pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM58.00
CK005 Colte Sweets (3)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999306
Tape width 20mmLength 12m 3pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM58.00
CK006 Colte Ride(Sky,Sea and scenery) (3)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998521
Tape width 20mmLength 12m3pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM58.00
CK007 Colte Animal Park (Sky、Ground & Sea) (3)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998514
Tape width 20mmLength 12m3pcs set ..
Ex Tax:RM58.00
CK008 Colte Sweets (Bread,Chocolate & Cake) (3)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998507
Tape width 20mmLength 12m3pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM58.00
CK009 Colte Animal ParkⅡ (3)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998392
Tape width 20mmLength 12m3pcs set ..
Ex Tax:RM58.00
CK010 Colte Fairy TaleⅠ (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998385
Tape width 20mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM44.60
CK010 Colte Road & Rail track (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999207
Tape width 30mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM34.80
CK012 Colte Fairy Tale Apple (1)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746998309
Tape width 20mmLength 12m1pc ..
Ex Tax:RM23.00
CP001 Colte Light yellow / Yellow (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999290
Tape width 10/20mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM30.40
CP002 Colte Light lime green / Lime green (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999283
Tape width 10/20mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM30.80
CP004 Colte Light baby blue / baby blue (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999269
Tape width 10/20mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM30.40
CP005 Colte Light blue / Blue (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999252
Tape width 10/20mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM30.40
CP006 Colte Light pink / Pink (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999245
Tape width 10/20mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM30.40
CP007 Colte Light orange / Orange
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999238
Tape width 10/20mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM30.40
CP008 Colte Right red / Red (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999221
Tape width 10/20mmLength 12m2pcs set..
Ex Tax:RM30.40
CP009 Colte White/ Black (2)
Out Of Stock
Model: 4904746999214
Tape width 10/20mmLength 12m2pcs set ..
Ex Tax:RM30.40
Let’s picnic!野餐料理用容器輕鬆做:玻璃罐、保鮮盒、紙杯、小鑄鐵鍋,40道料理輕鬆帶著走
Out Of Stock
Model: 9789863640967
野餐前,你是不是也常遇到這些煩惱?  剛揪好團、定下日期,卻不知道要帶什麼料理;  想在Facebook、Instagram放上美美的野餐照片,但我的手藝不佳,做不出好吃又好看的菜肴;  想帶沙拉、也想帶甜點,但要用什麼容器裝才合適?  野餐是一種生活態度,  上班很辛苦,假日偶爾來場嘉年華吧!  本書教你用透明的玻璃罐、繽紛的保鮮盒、五彩的紙杯、貴婦的鑄鐵鍋,  輕鬆做出沙拉╳輕食╳甜點╳主菜40道美味料理,  義式番茄烘蛋、酪梨鮮蝦沙拉、焗烤鮮蝦野菇燉飯,  菠菜吻仔魚鹹派、提拉米蘇杯、漁夫塔塔軟法麵包……  不論沙拉、輕食,或是甜點、鹹食,  Step by step,新手也能輕鬆搞定簡..
Ex Tax:RM51.60
Model: 8888888821
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more sce..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more sce..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Model: 8888888824
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more sce..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Model: 8888888825
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more sce..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Model: 8888888820
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more sce..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Model: 8888888822
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more scent an..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Model: 8888888826
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more scent an..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Model: 8888888823
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more sce..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Model: 8888888819
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more scent an..
Ex Tax:RM42.00
Model: 8888888807
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more scent an..
Ex Tax:RM65.00
Model: 8888888815
Our handmade and handpoured candles are made from palm wax and fragrance oil.What is the difference between palm wax and soy wax?Both palm and soy wax are plant-based wax and are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Palm wax has a higher melting point, therefore able to give out more scent an..
Ex Tax:RM65.00
Showing 1 to 40 of 116 (3 Pages)
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